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Balls Are A Tinglin!!! Fox Makes My Dream Aronofsky Directed Wolverine Movie a Reality?   1 comment

Hey Everybody

So, here we go… Looks like after a few months of rumors with no solid answers on who will direct Wolverine 2,  Hugh Jackman finally dropped the hammer and confirmed it for us.

Come 2012 we all get to see a Darren Aronofsky directed Wolverine movie based on the Chris Claremont/Frank Miller Japan story line, written for the screen by The Usual Suspects writer Christopher McQuarrie. If that doesn’t get all fanboys balls tingling, I’m not sure you know who any of these people are I’m talking about,  or maybe you’ve never heard of Marvel comics? Anyway…

Wow, I’m loving 20th Century Fox right now. Who would of ever thought I would be saying that again?
In a recent impromptu interview at Elton John’s Enduring Vision gala on Monday night, Jackman announced that he’s getting physically ready to start shooting next year, alongside director Aronofsky.

Quotes from NY Magazine:
“Expect to see four chicken breasts and a whole pile of steamed broccoli on my plate,” he told us. “I’m starting; I’m having my six meals a day.” With Darren Aronofsky directing, he says that Wolverine 2 will not be a “usual” X-Men movie: “This is, hopefully for me, going to be out of the box. It’s going to be the best one, I hope,” he said, and then paused. “Well, I would say that, but I really do feel that, and I feel this is going to be very different.”

Also, Jackman doesn’t think that Aronofsky’s penchant for dark drama is at odds with the big-budget action franchise. “This is Wolverine. This is not Popeye. He’s kind of dark,” Jackman said. “But, you know, this is a change of pace. Chris McQuarrie, who wrote The Usual Suspects, has written the script, so that’ll give you a good clue. [Aronofsky’s] going to make it fantastic. There’s going to be some meat on the bones. There will be something to think about as you leave the theater, for sure.”

The studio has not officially announced this news yet, but chances are Jackman has a big say in the decision and would not break the news unless Aronofsky was actually on board. If this movie  makes it to screen, it will be one of my dream pairings for director/project of all time. I grew up on X-Men and Wolverine comics, and I still have the single comic issues of the Claremont/Miller Japan story. I have read it more times that almost any other Marvel story and think Aronofsky has the potential to make an amazing film with the material. Something that will last for decades and raise the bar of the genre. That is unless Fox decides to fuck it all up and force the film into a stupid direction, much like the first one ended up by the last scenes.

The expectations seems to be getting very very high for Wolverine 2. Hopefully Fox can deliver something special this time out. I’m crossing my fingers that “the powers that be” at the studio let Aronofsky’s mind work his magic in the Marvel universe. Let’s hope people, let’s hope.

Good Luck To Darren Aronofsky From Everyone At Celluloid Pop Culture Junkie. We’re All Rooting For You Here. Now Go Kick Some Ass.

Till Next Time. Stay Tuned.
